Cerebrale is a specialized neurology practice.
Cerebrale is composed of two incredible professionals: Letícia and Camila. Camila specializes in psychology and Leticia in neurology. They work mainly with the elderly and children through the office and through online services.
The purpose of the brand's visual identity and branding was to position it in a serious, yet modern and playful way. The icon should have an easy association, with clean letters and easy association. The idea is for your content and identity to be professional and accessible to everyone.
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Medicine is one of the most frequently updated areas, second only to technology. Amid the technology associated with medicine, even more so during the pandemic, we have new needs and, with that, medicine combined with technology comes into action.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Cerebrale is a project that takes advantage of the best of both, as it serves its patients in a modern, exclusive, playful and interactive way, using technology to add value to a job as important as the cognitive rehabilitation of elderly patients.
We are a family owned and operated business.
And not only in this universe does Cerebrale neurology operate! It is almost a family therapy, since a patient also has psychological treatment and all the necessary assistance, also helping his family to cope better and live better.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Patients of all ages are treated, but the focus of the office is on children and the elderly, as this public is the most affected by neurological and psychological problems.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Therefore, we have made Cerebrale a delightful project to see and hear and we believe in the mission that it will transform the lives of many people!
We are a family owned and operated business.
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We are a family owned and operated business.