Health and sophistication are the keywords of the visual identity of the acupuncturist and dermatologist, Dr. Noemy Ueno

Dr. Noemy is a specialist in dermatology and acupuncture. She works with men and women, of all ages, demanding, who seek excellence in high-level therapeutic and clinical procedures and, for this, their visual identity must match their target audience.
The creation of the logo unites the monogram with the initials of the name of Noemy (N and U) and the symbol of the yin yang, in addition, the format was adapted so that when it was in pattern, it looked like the structure of the skin (epidermis). Thus we associate the personal brand with acupuncture and dermatology.
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Among so many autonomous health professionals, it is necessary to affirm your personal brand, because having a personalized visual identity among so many other professionals demonstrates professionalism and dedication, becoming an immense differential and, with that, your professional reputation will be viewed favorably by your customers and your future customers as well.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Among medical professionals, everyone needs to dedicate themselves to their professional appearance, but those who need to be more concerned with visual identity and appearance are those who work directly with the patient's aesthetics, such as dermatologists, dentists and plastic surgeons, because these professionals are frequented by people who care about the visual aspect of things, not for nothing they look for aesthetic professionals.
We are a family owned and operated business.
So it makes sense to think that if a patient who is looking for a professional dermatologist or plastic surgeon will choose that clinic or professional that best looks visually. And when we speak visually, we refer to the cleanliness of the place, concern for lighting, ventilation of the place and visual identity. Or are you going to say that you don't care about these factors when you go to a clinic or see a doctor?
We are a family owned and operated business.
That is why Dr. Noemy's visual identity was created to bring authority, impact and seriousness to her profession. Did you like the visual identity? We created one especially for you, just click on the "request a quote" button below.
Business Card
Digital and Interactive Business Card
Medical prescription