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what do you NEED?


This quote is FREE and 100% NO obligation, it will take about 3 minutes to respond because I need a lot of information to send you as quickly as possible. Remember that all items here are 100% personalized. I do not work with image banks, the entire process is 100% original. Our creative process is generally as described below:

Receive your quote by email after sending

Payment is made and order confirmed

You fill out the briefing

I will create the project based on what you wrote in the briefing.

If approved by you, I will send all the files via email.

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Serviços necessários:
Tem interesse em alguma especialidade?
Tem interesse no kit canva de redes sociais? Ele vem com 6 destaques personalizados, 3 layouts para feed, 3 layouts para os stories, foto de perfil e marca dágua personalizada.
Produtos digitais:
Arte Personalizada

x seu contato foi enviado com sucesso

We're a virtual studio located in Brazil, focused on graphic design and branding for entrepeneurs and freelance professionals. We believe in the image's potential to achieve success.

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© COPYRIGHT 2023 - CNPJ: 31.252.859 / 0001-11 A CASA DE LILITH DESIGN STUDIO || MADE WITH ♥ SINCE 2018

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